Saudi Arabia Builds on Cultural Vision with New House of Culture

Saudi Arabia recently unveiled its second "House of Culture, " marking a significant step towards the kingdom's ambitious Vision 2030 plan. This initiative, spearheaded by the Ministry of Culture's Libraries Commission, aims to revitalize the country's cultural landscape by transforming public libraries into vibrant hubs for arts, education, and community engagement.

The latest House of Culture resides in Ahad Rafidah, a governorate within the Asir region. This inauguration follows the opening of the first House of Culture earlier this month in the Eastern Region. Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Asim, Director General of the Libraries Commission, emphasized the importance of this fresh approach to libraries. These Houses of Culture are envisioned as interactive platforms catering to a wide range of community needs, encompassing everything from traditional book borrowing to fostering entrepreneurship and artistic expression.

This cultural investment aligns with the "Quality of Life" program, another facet of Vision 2030. The program seeks to diversify Saudi Arabia's economy and enhance the overall well-being of its citizens. By prioritizing cultural engagement, the government hopes to cultivate a more dynamic and enriching society. Dr. Al-Asim expressed optimism that these initiatives will yield tangible benefits, encouraging exploration of personal interests and hobbies while simultaneously nurturing a thriving social and cultural scene.

The House of Culture in Ahad Rafidah has already garnered significant interest, welcoming nearly 30, 000 visitors since its soft opening four months ago. This early success bodes well for the future of the initiative, with 153 Houses of Culture planned for rollout across the entire kingdom. This nationwide project signifies a substantial commitment by Saudi Arabia to cultivate a more vibrant cultural identity and empower its citizens through artistic expression and intellectual exploration.

The establishment of these Houses of Culture represents a significant shift in Saudi Arabia's cultural landscape. By transforming libraries into community hubs, the kingdom is fostering a more inclusive and engaging environment for its citizens. This initiative has the potential to unlock a new era of cultural exploration and appreciation within Saudi Arabia.

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