FTA Clarifies Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has issued important clarifications regarding the registration deadlines for businesses subject to the UAE's new Corporate Tax regime. These clarifications aim to ensure a smooth and efficient process for companies as they navigate their obligations under the new tax system.

The key factor determining the registration deadline is the date a company's trade license was issued. Resident businesses incorporated before March 1, 2024, must submit their registration applications by the end of the month following their license issuance. For instance, a company licensed in February 2023 would have a deadline of March 31, 2024. Businesses that did not hold a valid license on March 1, 2024, are required to register by May 31, 2024.

The FTA also addressed the scenario of companies with multiple licenses. In such cases, the earliest license issuance date will dictate the registration deadline, regardless of the year the licenses were issued. This ensures a clear and consistent registration timeline for businesses with a diversified operational footprint.

For non-resident companies, the registration requirements hinge on whether they have a "permanent establishment" in the UAE and their annual turnover. A permanent establishment refers to a fixed place of business through which a company conducts its activities within the UAE. If a non-resident company has a permanent establishment and surpasses the AED 1 million turnover threshold within a calendar year, they become liable for Corporate Tax registration by the following March 31st.

The FTA emphasizes the significance of adhering to the stipulated deadlines. Timely registration allows businesses to fulfill their tax compliance requirements and avoid potential penalties for late submissions. The authority encourages all companies to carefully review the registration timelines based on their specific circumstances and ensure they submit their applications before the designated deadlines.

The Corporate Tax regime, implemented on June 1, 2023, mandates that businesses with a turnover exceeding AED 3. 6 million (approximately USD 1 million) register for Corporate Tax. The UAE Ministry of Finance projects that the tax will contribute significantly to government revenue, bolstering economic development initiatives.

The FTA has taken a proactive approach in disseminating information and guidance to businesses regarding Corporate Tax. They have established a dedicated website with comprehensive resources, including registration procedures, tax calculations, and compliance guidelines. Additionally, the FTA conducts regular workshops and seminars to educate businesses about their tax obligations and address any queries they may have.

By providing clear registration timelines and fostering a supportive environment for businesses, the FTA aims to ensure a smooth transition to the Corporate Tax regime. This will contribute to a more transparent and robust tax system in the UAE, facilitating sustainable economic growth.

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