Abu Dhabi Pursues Land Restoration Through Sustainable Habitat Management

The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) is taking a leading role in combating desertification and promoting land restoration within the Emirate. Aligning with the theme of World Environment Day 2024, "Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience, " EAD has emphasized its commitment to long-term sustainability through several key initiatives.

One of the Agency's primary focuses is the rehabilitation of vegetation cover within Abu Dhabi's designated Sheikh Zayed Protected Areas Network. This network encompasses various protected ecosystems, each with unique flora and fauna. The network serves as a crucial safeguard for the Emirate's biodiversity and ecological health.

EAD has undertaken specific projects to restore plant life in these protected areas. A noteworthy example is the rehabilitation of Samar trees within Jabal Hafit National Park. Jabal Hafit, a mountain range featuring diverse flora and fauna, is a popular destination for nature enthusiasts. Through a meticulously designed natural rehabilitation program, EAD has successfully expanded the area of Samar tree habitats within the park by 25%. This program eliminates the need for constant irrigation, making it a sustainable solution for long-term habitat health.

The Agency's efforts extend beyond Jabal Hafit National Park. EAD has also undertaken significant rehabilitation projects in the Al Dhafra Region, located in the western part of the Emirate. This region encompasses the Arabian Oryx Protected Area and the Al Yasat Marine Protected Area. Here, the focus has been on restoring the habitats of Ghaf trees, a culturally and ecologically significant species native to the region.

EAD's commitment to sustainable land management goes beyond these specific projects. The Agency actively promotes research and knowledge-sharing initiatives to foster a deeper understanding of Abu Dhabi's ecosystems. This knowledge is then leveraged to develop and implement effective conservation strategies.

The Agency's leadership in sustainable habitat management is a positive step towards a more resilient future for Abu Dhabi's natural environment. By restoring degraded lands and promoting biodiversity, EAD is helping to ensure a healthy and vibrant ecosystem for future generations.

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