Vaping Forum Focuses on Harm Reduction to Combat Rising Smoking Rates

Dubai will be the focal point of a critical discussion on vaping and its potential to curb a projected surge in smoking-related illnesses across the Middle East. The inaugural Global Vape Forum, co-located with the World Vape Show Dubai, will take place from June 12th to 14th at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

A major report to be unveiled at the forum, led by Dr. Derek Yach, a renowned global health expert, is expected to highlight the urgent need for investment in harm reduction strategies. Dr. Yach, a former World Health Organization (WHO) director and anti-tobacco control advocate, emphasizes the potential for vaping to save lives in the region.

"The report offers compelling new data on the number of lives that could be saved by 2050 in seven countries, including the UAE, " Dr. Yach said, underlining the importance of the forum in facilitating knowledge exchange among scientists, medical professionals, and industry leaders.

The forum promises a lively debate on the contentious topic of nicotine pouches, particularly in the context of Saudi Arabia granting a two-year market exclusivity to a newly launched product. Public health concerns surround the potential for unregulated sales replicating issues witnessed in the US and Europe.

Dr. Nveed Chaudhary, Vice President of Dubai-based health tech company Medad Technology, cautions against the dangers of unregulated nicotine pouches. "They are a crucial tool for smokers looking to quit, not a lifestyle choice, " he stressed. He emphasizes the need for clear regulations to prevent uncontrolled sales and potential use by non-smokers, including children.

Organizers of the event, including Jake Nixon, Event Director of the World Vape Show, and Mohammad Agrabawi, Senior Director of Corporate Affairs at ANDS, express their enthusiasm for the forum's potential to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing within the vaping community. They believe the event will provide a platform for attendees to engage with leading experts and gain insights on how vaping can be a viable harm reduction strategy for adult smokers transitioning away from cigarettes.

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