Sharjah Police Urge Residents to Safeguard Valuables in New Campaign

The Sharjah Police General Command has launched a public awareness campaign titled "Your belongings, your responsibility". This initiative aims to educate residents about taking preventative measures to reduce theft from vehicles. The campaign aligns with the Ministry of Interior's strategic goals of improving overall security and safety within the emirate.

Running until the end of May, the campaign leverages social media platforms to reach a wide audience. Informational messages will be disseminated in Arabic, English, and Urdu, catering to Sharjah's diverse population.

Brigadier General Yousef Obaid bin Harmoul, Director of the Comprehensive Police Stations Department, emphasized the campaign's role in empowering residents to protect their belongings. He highlighted the importance of community cooperation to deter theft. "By working together and adhering to simple precautions, we can significantly reduce the opportunities for criminals, " Brigadier General bin Harmoul said.

The campaign emphasizes several key steps that residents can take to safeguard their valuables. First and foremost, drivers are advised to avoid leaving valuables visible inside their vehicles. This includes items such as laptops, bags, wallets, and electronic devices. Opportunistic thieves may be deterred by simply not having tempting targets on display.

Secondly, the campaign encourages residents to park their vehicles in well-lit and populated areas whenever possible. Deserted locations offer thieves more privacy and less chance of being interrupted. Utilizing designated parking areas with CCTV cameras is an ideal security measure.

Finally, the Sharjah Police recommend installing car alarms on vehicles. The additional noise and attention drawn by an alarm can be enough to frighten away a potential thief. Even if a theft is attempted, a car alarm can help alert bystanders and expedite police response.

The Sharjah Police General Command recognizes that preventing vehicle content theft is a shared responsibility. Through this awareness campaign, they are empowering residents to take an active role in protecting their belongings and promoting a safer community for all. By following these simple steps, Sharjah residents can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to theft.

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