UAE Firms Face June 30 Deadline for Emirati Workforce Targets

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has issued a reminder to private sector companies with 50 or more employees. These firms must achieve their Emiratisation targets for the first half of 2024 by June 30.

The specific target entails a 1% increase in the number of Emirati nationals employed in skilled positions within these companies. This mandate aligns with a previously established Cabinet Resolution on Emiratisation rates.

The Ministry expressed appreciation for companies that have already met the established quotas. MoHRE emphasized the crucial role of enrolling Emirati hires in authorized pension funds and the wage protection system (WPS). They urged continued efforts from all companies to fulfill the targets by the deadline.

For entities struggling to meet the quota, MoHRE recommended leveraging the Nafis platform. This online resource provides a valuable database of qualified Emirati job seekers across various fields, equipped with the necessary skills sought by employers.

The Ministry highlighted its commitment to enforcing compliance. Starting July 1, MoHRE will begin rigorous monitoring of companies' adherence to the Emiratisation targets. Companies that fail to meet the quotas face potential penalties.

This initiative reflects the UAE government's ongoing Emiratisation drive. The program aims to increase the participation of Emirati nationals within the country's private sector workforce. By establishing these quotas, the government hopes to create more employment opportunities for its citizens and foster a more diversified and skilled national workforce.

MoHRE has previously taken action against companies found to be circumventing the Emiratisation targets. In May 2023, the Ministry identified over 1, 300 companies that had violated the regulations. These companies faced fines, downgrades in their business ratings, and potential legal repercussions.

The Emiratisation program is an evolving policy with significant implications for both the government and the private sector in the UAE. As the June 30 deadline approaches, companies are actively working towards achieving their mandated targets, while MoHRE prepares for its compliance monitoring phase. The success of this initiative will be judged by its ability to create a more balanced and inclusive work environment within the UAE's private sector.

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