Federal Regulator Scrutinizes Operations at Barakah Nuclear Plant

The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) convened its Board of Management to assess the current state of operations and its own oversight activities at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP). This review comes as part of FANR's annual inspection plan designed to ensure the plant's operator, Nawah Energy Company, adheres to all regulatory requirements.

During the meeting, the board received updates on the performance of Units 1, 2, and 3, which are currently operational. Discussions also covered planned maintenance and refueling outages scheduled for these units throughout 2024 and 2025.

FANR's focus on regulatory oversight extends beyond just the operational aspects of the plant. The board reviewed the implementation of its 2023-2026 strategy, which outlines a roadmap for future regulation of the UAE's nuclear and radiological sectors. This strategy prioritizes maintaining the highest standards of safety and security.

The board meeting also yielded progress on international collaboration. Approval was granted for a revised regulation on physical protection of nuclear material, nuclear facilities, and cybersecurity. This updated regulation, known as FANR-REG-08 Version 2, will govern these crucial areas for existing facilities, as well as for those planning to develop or deploy advanced nuclear technologies within the UAE.

Furthermore, the board approved several agreements with international stakeholders. These agreements include an information exchange and cooperation program on nuclear safety and power plant operations oversight with the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety. Collaboration on dosimetry and environmental monitoring will be fostered through a memorandum of understanding with the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd. Finally, FANR will participate in the fifth phase (2024-2026) of the Operational Experience, Degradation and Ageing Programme (CODAP) offered by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. This program fosters research and development efforts crucial for nuclear safety.

The FANR board meeting underscores the UAE's commitment to the safe and secure operation of its nuclear power program. Through rigorous oversight and international collaboration, FANR is working to ensure the Barakah plant continues to generate clean electricity while adhering to the highest international safety standards.

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