UAE Shares Expertise in Government Workforce Development

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has extended a helping hand to Uzbekistan in the realm of government human resources. A specialized program was designed to bolster the capabilities of Uzbek government officials, specifically focusing on human resource management and best practices for investing in human capital.

This initiative comes on the heels of an official visit by an Uzbek delegation to the UAE, solidifying the strategic partnership the two countries share in government modernization efforts. The partnership, established in April 2019, has fostered collaboration across a diverse range of sectors.

The UAE, known for its advancements in government modernization, offered valuable insights into its own human resource system. Discussions centered on best practices for developing and streamlining HR processes to address future challenges and adapt to evolving needs.

A key area of focus was the development and utilization of electronic HR platforms. Uzbekistan seeks to enhance its own system, and the UAE's experience in this domain proved to be a valuable learning resource.

This knowledge-sharing program is just one facet of a broader collaborative effort. Since the inception of the UAE-Uzbekistan partnership, the two countries have launched innovative projects in a staggering 37 areas of cooperation.

These ventures encompass a variety of groundbreaking initiatives, including government accelerators, the Uzbekistan Government Quality Award, and the ambitious One Million Uzbek Coders' Initiative. These programs have demonstrably boosted the capabilities of Uzbekistan's workforce, with over 2.85 million employees having benefitted from more than 26 million hours of training.

The UAE's willingness to share its expertise in government human resource development signifies a commitment to strengthening the partnership with Uzbekistan. By empowering Uzbek government officials with the necessary skills and knowledge, the UAE is helping to lay the foundation for a more efficient and effective Uzbek civil service. This, in turn, has the potential to contribute to Uzbekistan's overall economic and social development.

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