UAE Applauds Delimitation Agreement Between Armenia and Azerbaijan

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed its strong support for the recent agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan regarding the delimitation and demarcation of their land borders. This development, concerning four villages along the shared border, marks a significant step towards fostering peace and stability in the Caucasus region.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) released a statement highlighting the country's commitment to promoting regional peace. The agreement, viewed as a confidence-building measure, is seen as a crucial milestone on the path towards a comprehensive peace accord. Ahmed bin Ali Al Sayegh, UAE Minister of State, emphasized the importance of dialogue and cooperation in resolving longstanding disputes.

The UAE, which maintains close ties with both Armenia and Azerbaijan, has consistently advocated for peaceful solutions to the disagreements between the two nations. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, a decades-old territorial dispute, has been a source of regional tension. The recent agreement, while not directly addressing Nagorno-Karabakh, is viewed as a positive development that could pave the way for broader discussions.

The agreement itself focuses on establishing a clear demarcation of the border in the vicinity of four specific villages: Baganis and Baganys Ayrim, Voskepar and Ashagy Askipara, Kirants and Kheyrimli, and Berkaber and Gyzylhajily. This will bring the border into alignment with the one that existed during the Soviet era. The move is expected to reduce tensions along the border and facilitate easier movement of people and goods.

While details of the agreement are still emerging, it is seen as a positive outcome of ongoing negotiations facilitated by the European Union. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, also welcomed the agreement, highlighting its potential to contribute to the normalization of relations between the two countries.

The international community has expressed cautious optimism regarding the recent development. The agreement is seen as a potential turning point in the protracted conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The hope is that this initial step can lead to further confidence-building measures and, ultimately, a lasting peace agreement.

The UAE's endorsement of the agreement reflects its growing role as a regional mediator. The country's strong economic and diplomatic ties with both Armenia and Azerbaijan position it well to play a constructive role in facilitating future dialogue. The UAE's support for the peace process in the Caucasus is a positive development, and its commitment to regional stability is likely to be welcomed by the international community.

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