Eternal City Becomes Global Jiu-Jitsu Hub

The historic city of Rome transformed into a global Jiu-Jitsu hub for the first time ever, as the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Jiu-Jitsu World Tour set up camp in the Italian capital from April 12th to 14th. Over a thousand athletes from 60 countries descended upon the Centro Olimpico Matteo Pellicone, showcasing their grappling skills across various age and belt levels.

The prestigious competition, affiliated with the International Vision Sports Management (IVSM), marked a significant moment for the sport's European presence. The event attracted a strong European contingent alongside international competitors, with many of the world's leading academies sending their representatives to vie for top honors.

This year's Rome Grand Slam offered a chance for athletes across all experience levels to compete. The opening day saw the Amateur divisions take center stage, followed by the Masters competitors displaying their experience and technique on the second day. The culmination of the event arrived on April 14th, as the Professional black belts stepped onto the mats for the main course. These elite grapplers battled for not only glory but also crucial ranking points within the Abu Dhabi Jiu-Jitsu Professional (AJP) circuit.

The presence of the Grand Slam in Rome highlighted the sport's flourishing international landscape. Rodrigo Valerio, Director of Operations at AJP, emphasized the decade-long journey of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam in establishing itself as a premier Jiu-Jitsu destination. He acknowledged the strong turnout as a testament to the tournament's significance and the immense value athletes place on it.

Beyond simply crowning champions, the strategic location of Rome played a vital role in the decision to host the Grand Slam there. The city's position within Europe makes it an attractive hub, not just for the competition itself but also for sports tourism during this time of year. This successful venture paves the way for future triumphs on the AJP Tour, culminating in the Abu Dhabi Jiu-Jitsu World Tour later in May.

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