Sharjah Executive Council Unveils Social Support Resolution

In a move designed to strengthen social safety nets, the Sharjah Executive Council (SEC) announced Resolution No. (3) for the year 2020, introducing additional financial assistance programs for Emirati citizens residing in the emirate.

The resolution targets three distinct categories; elderly residents and disabled individuals, or to help fund the hiring of a permanent homecare assistant. This measure significantly eases the burden on families caring for loved ones with critical needs.

The resolution extends a helping hand to dependent elderly citizens as well, providing assistance to manage their daily affairs and reduce the financial load on their families. This program acknowledges the challenges faced by some elderly residents and aims to improve their overall well-being.

To qualify for this financial aid, applicants must be Sharjah citizens with permanent residency. Their total family income must fall within the designated limits set by the SEC in its Resolution No. 3 of 2018, which outlines income thresholds based on desired standards of living.

The amount of financial assistance provided varies based on the specific needs of the applicant. The resolution stipulates a minimum monthly payout of AED 1,000 (around $272 USD) and a maximum of AED 3,000 (around $816 USD).

This resolution by the Sharjah Executive Council reflects the emirate's commitment to providing social support to its citizens. The financial aid programs offer much-needed assistance to vulnerable populations, empowering them to manage their living expenses and healthcare needs. The initiative is a significant step towards strengthening social welfare programs in Sharjah.

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